Ball Announces 2008 Fourth Quarter, Full-Year Results

BROOMFIELD, Colo., Jan. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ball Corporation (NYSE: BLL) today reported full-year 2008 net earnings of $319.5 million, or $3.29 per diluted share, on sales of $7.56 billion, compared to $281.3 million, or $2.74 per diluted share, on sales of $7.39 billion in 2007.

Fourth quarter 2008 net earnings were $33.8 million, or 36 cents per diluted share, on sales of $1.73 billion, compared to $33.3 million, or 33 cents per diluted share, on sales of $1.76 billion in the fourth quarter of 2007.

In both 2008 and 2007, results included costs from business consolidation activities and other non-operating items. Fourth quarter net earnings included net after-tax costs of $19.6 million, or 20 cents per diluted share, and $27 million, or 27 cents per diluted share, for 2008 and 2007, respectively. Year-to-date results included net after-tax costs of $30.5 million, or 32 cents per diluted share, and $78.8 million, or 76 cents per diluted share, for 2008 and 2007, respectively. The fourth quarter 2008 charge was primarily for the previously announced closure of metal beverage packaging plants in Kansas City, Mo., and Guayama, Puerto Rico.

Details of the business consolidation activities and comparable segment earnings can be found in Notes 1 and 2 to the unaudited consolidated financial statements that accompany this news release.

"Ball's diluted earnings per share, net sales and net earnings for the full year all increased during one of the most challenging global economic environments in decades," said R. David Hoover, chairman, president and chief executive officer. "Our metal food and household products packaging and aerospace segments led our improved performance, but a higher fourth quarter tax rate caused by the broad stock market decline and its impact on certain employee benefits plans hurt our results in the quarter by four cents per diluted share."

"The wider economic downturn in 2008 prompted us to accelerate ongoing changes within Ball," said John A. Hayes, executive vice president and chief operating officer. "As a result, we are poised to further improve operating performance due to effectively managing our asset base, aligning with successful customers and focusing on the execution of our long-term strategy."

Metal Beverage Packaging, Americas & Asia

Metal beverage packaging, Americas and Asia, comparable segment operating earnings were $284.1 million in 2008 on sales of $2.99 billion, compared to $326.4 million in 2007 on sales of $3.1 billion. For the fourth quarter, comparable earnings were $55.7 million on sales of $684.7 million in 2008, compared to $64.2 million on sales of $728.1 million in 2007. Fourth quarter results were lower primarily due to reduced North American sales volumes and curtailed production for inventory control purposes. Full year results were lower due to a $52 million inventory holding gain in 2007 that did not reoccur in 2008.

During the year, Ball announced the closure of three metal beverage packaging plants to further balance the company's capacity in this segment with market changes. Cost reductions associated with these plant closings are expected to exceed $30 million in 2009 and to be over $10 million cash positive upon final disposition of the assets. In China, strong demand and an improved customer mix contributed to improved results.

Metal Beverage Packaging, Europe

Metal beverage packaging, Europe, segment results in 2008 were operating earnings of $230.9 million on sales of $1.87 billion, compared to $228.9 million on sales of $1.65 billion in 2007. For the fourth quarter, operating earnings in 2008 were $29.0 million on sales of $380.8 million, compared to $31.2 million on sales of $393.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2007. The weakening of the euro against the U.S. dollar and the weakening of the British pound sterling against the euro reduced fourth quarter results compared to last year.

Ball elected to slow the timing of announced new metal beverage packaging plants in Poland and India, though the company expects some volume growth in 2009. Cost savings measures continue to be implemented across the business.

Metal Food & Household Products Packaging, Americas

Metal food and household products packaging, Americas, comparable segment results for 2008 were operating earnings of $68.1 million on sales of $1.22 billion, compared to $36.2 million in 2007 on sales of $1.18 billion. For the fourth quarter of 2008, comparable segment results were operating earnings of $23.2 million on sales of $309.4 million, compared to $10.8 million on sales of $271.1 million in the same period of 2007.

Fourth quarter results were higher than the same period in 2007 due primarily to a longer and stronger than expected seasonal pack, better manufacturing performance and the favorable resolution of a $6.8 million claim.

Plastic Packaging, Americas

Plastic packaging, Americas, comparable segment results for 2008 were operating earnings of $15.8 million on sales of $735.4 million, compared to $26.3 million on sales of $752.4 million in 2007. For the fourth quarter, the segment broke even on sales of $161.4 million, compared to $9.2 million of comparable earnings on sales of $172.1 million for the same period in 2007.

Fourth quarter results were hurt by reduced sales volumes and curtailed production for inventory control purposes. The company will continue to monitor demand trends, given weaker volumes in 2008, to assess future supply and demand balance.

Aerospace and Technologies

Aerospace and technologies comparable segment results were operating earnings of $76.2 million on sales of $746.5 million in 2008, compared to $64.6 million on sales of $787.8 million in 2007. For the fourth quarter, earnings were $20.2 million on sales of $196.5 million. Fourth quarter 2007 earnings were $11.1 million on sales of $191 million. Backlog at the close of the year was $597.3 million.

Backlog declined in this segment in part as a result of pressure on the U.S. federal budget, the broader financial crisis and a slow down in new contract awards stemming from the effects of the presidential election year. Ball reduced headcount and realigned resources to support its growing antenna and video technologies and information services such as data exploitation, systems engineering and technical support to defense and intelligence organizations. While this segment is focused on increasing backlog levels, the company expects 2009 results to decline.


Ball expects improved free cash flow in 2009 in the range of $375 million and significantly lower interest expense due to lower debt levels and interest rates. Though the company anticipates stronger free cash flow for the year, it has elected to suspend its stock buyback program and delay capital spending for certain plant projects until global economic conditions and capital markets improve.

"Ball has no significant debt refinancing requirements until October of 2011," said Raymond J. Seabrook, executive vice president and chief financial officer. "Our company's expected 2009 strong free cash flow will be used to increase liquidity, reduce debt, continue dividend payments and improve financial flexibility."

"We remain positive about long-term growth opportunities in our global beverage can business, and we have responded prudently to the broader economic downturn by slowing those projects with the exception of our new joint venture metal beverage packaging plant in Brazil, where market demand requires additional capacity," Hoover said. "We reduced the manufacturing footprint of our North American packaging businesses to better align supply with market demand and implemented price increases in all of our packaging operating segments to reflect the value delivered to our customers. Because of the disciplined actions we took in 2008 and the defensive nature of our businesses in this economy, Ball is well positioned to improve diluted earnings per share performance in 2009."

Ball Corporation is a supplier of high-quality metal and plastic packaging for beverage, food and household products customers, and of aerospace and other technologies and services, primarily for the U.S. government. Ball Corporation and its subsidiaries employ more than 14,500 people worldwide and reported 2008 sales of more than $7.5 billion.

Conference Call Details

Ball Corporation [NYSE: BLL] will hold its quarterly conference call on the company's fourth quarter and full-year 2008 results and performance today at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. The North American toll-free number for the call is 800-732-6870. International callers should dial 212-231-2900. Please use the following URL for a Web cast of the live call:

For those unable to listen to the live call, a taped replay will be available after the call's conclusion until noon Eastern Time on Feb. 5, 2009. To access the replay, call 800-633-8284 (North American callers) or 402-977-9140 (international callers) and use reservation number 21406682.

A written transcript of the call will be posted within 48 hours of the call's conclusion to Ball's Web site at in the investors section under "presentations."

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains "forward-looking" statements concerning future events and financial performance. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "estimates" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Key risks and uncertainties are summarized in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Exhibit 99.2 in our Form 10-K, which are available at our Web site and at Factors that might affect our packaging segments include fluctuation in product demand and preferences; availability and cost of raw materials; competitive packaging availability, pricing and substitution; changes in climate and weather; crop yields; competitive activity; failure to achieve anticipated productivity improvements or production cost reductions, including our beverage can end project; mandatory deposit or other restrictive packaging laws; changes in major customer or supplier contracts or loss of a major customer or supplier; and changes in foreign exchange rates, tax rates and activities of foreign subsidiaries. Factors that might affect our aerospace segment include: funding, authorization, availability and returns of government and commercial contracts; and delays, extensions and technical uncertainties affecting segment contracts. Factors that might affect the company as a whole include those listed plus: accounting changes; changes in senior management; the current global credit squeeze and its effects on liquidity, credit risk, asset values and the economy; successful or unsuccessful acquisitions, joint ventures or divestitures; integration of recently acquired businesses; regulatory action or laws including tax, environmental, health and workplace safety, including in respect of chemicals or substances used in raw materials or in the manufacturing process; governmental investigations; technological developments and innovations; goodwill impairment; antitrust, patent and other litigation; strikes; labor cost changes; rates of return projected and earned on assets of the company's defined benefit retirement plans; pension changes; reduced cash flow; interest rates affecting our debt; and changes to unaudited results due to statutory audits or other effects.

    Condensed Financials (December 2008)
                Unaudited Statements of Consolidated Earnings

                                   Three months ended      Year ended
                                      December 31,        December 31,
                                      ------------        ------------
    ($ in millions, except per
     share amounts)                   2008      2007      2008      2007
    --------------------------        ----      ----      ----      ----
    Sales                         $1,732.8  $1,756.2  $7,561.5  $7,475.3
    Legal settlement (Note 2)            -         -         -     (85.6)
                                   -------   -------   -------   -------
       Net sales                   1,732.8   1,756.2   7,561.5   7,389.7
    ------------                   -------   -------   -------   -------
    Costs and expenses
       Cost of sales (excluding
        depreciation and
        amortization)              1,484.3   1,490.1   6,340.4   6,226.5
       Depreciation and
        amortization                  72.7      74.3     297.4     281.0
       Selling, general and
        administrative                60.6      69.9     288.2     323.7
       Business consolidation and
        other costs (Note 2)          31.5      44.6      52.1      44.6
       Gain on sale of subsidiary
        (Note 2)                         -         -      (7.1)        -
                                     -----     -----     -----     -----
                                   1,649.1   1,678.9   6,971.0   6,875.8
    ---------------------------    -------   -------   -------   -------
    Earnings before interest and
     taxes (Note 1)                   83.7      77.3     590.5     513.9
    ----------------------------      ----      ----     -----     -----
       Interest expense              (33.7)    (37.2)   (137.7)   (149.4)
       Tax provision                 (19.0)     (9.8)   (147.4)    (95.7)
       Minority interests             (0.1)     (0.1)     (0.4)     (0.4)
       Equity in results of
        affiliates                     2.9       3.1      14.5      12.9

    -------------                    -----     -----    ------    ------
    Net earnings                     $33.8     $33.3    $319.5    $281.3
    -------------                    -----     -----    ------    ------

    Earnings per share (Note 2):
       Basic                         $0.36     $0.33     $3.33     $2.78
       Diluted                       $0.36     $0.33     $3.29     $2.74

    Weighted average shares
     outstanding (000s):
       Basic                        94,022    99,688    95,857   101,186
       Diluted                      95,019   101,219    97,019   102,760

    Condensed Financials (December 2008)
              Unaudited Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows

                                         Three months
                                             ended        Year ended
                                         December 31,    December 31,
                                         ------------    ------------
    ($ in millions)                      2008    2007    2008    2007
                                         ----    ----    ----    ----
    Cash Flows From Operating
       Net earnings                      $33.8   $33.3  $319.5  $281.3
       Depreciation and amortization      72.7    74.3   297.4   281.0
       Business consolidation and
        other costs                       31.5    42.3    52.1    42.3
       Income taxes                       11.4   (13.9)   27.1    14.9
       Legal settlement                      -       -   (70.3)   85.6
       Incremental pension funding, net
        of taxes                             -   (27.3)      -   (27.3)
       Other changes in working capital  332.7   172.6   (16.8)  (18.4)
       Other                               7.1   (13.5)   18.6    13.6
                                         -----   -----   -----   -----
                                         489.2   267.8   627.6   673.0
    -------------------------            -----   -----   -----   -----
    Cash Flows From Investing
       Additions to property, plant and
        equipment                        (76.1)  (85.6) (306.9) (308.5)
       Cash collateral deposits, net
        (Note 3)                        (105.5)      -  (105.5)      -
       Proceeds from sale of subsidiary      -       -     8.7       -
       Property insurance proceeds           -       -       -    48.6
       Other                             (24.1)   (0.5)  (14.3)   (5.9)
                                        ------  ------  ------  ------
                                        (205.7)  (86.1) (418.0) (265.8)
    -------------------------           ------  ------  ------  ------
    Cash Flows From Financing
       Net change in borrowings         (188.8)  (48.4)  127.3  (170.0)
       Dividends                          (9.2)  (10.2)  (37.5)  (40.6)
       Purchases of common stock, net    (42.1)  (56.2) (299.6) (211.3)
       Other                               0.8     1.2     4.3     9.5
                                        ------  ------  ------  ------
                                        (239.3) (113.6) (205.5) (412.4)
    -------------------------------     ------  ------  ------  ------
    Effect of exchange rate changes
     on cash                             (30.7)    4.1   (28.3)    5.3
    Change in cash                        13.5    72.2   (24.2)    0.1
    Cash-beginning of period             113.9    79.4   151.6   151.5
                                         -----    ----   -----   -----
    Cash-end of period                  $127.4  $151.6  $127.4  $151.6
    ------------------                  ======  ======  ======  ======

    Condensed Financials (December 2008)
                     Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                       December     December
                                                          31,          31,
    ($ in millions)                                      2008         2007
                                                         ----         ----

       Cash and cash equivalents                       $127.4       $151.6
       Receivables, net                                 507.9        582.7
       Inventories, net                                 974.2        998.1
       Cash collateral - receivable (Note 3)            229.5            -
       Deferred taxes and other current assets          326.3        110.5
                                                     --------     --------
              Total current assets                    2,165.3      1,842.9
    Property, plant and equipment, net                1,866.9      1,941.2
    Goodwill                                          1,825.5      1,863.1
    Other assets, net                                   511.0        373.4
    --------------                                   --------     --------
      Total assets                                   $6,368.7     $6,020.6
    --------------                                   --------     --------

    Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
    Current liabilities
       Short-term debt and current portion
        of long-term debt                              $303.0       $176.8
       Cash collateral - liability (Note 3)             124.0            -
       Payables and other accrued liabilities         1,435.4      1,336.3
                                                     --------     --------
              Total current liabilities               1,862.4      1,513.1
    Long-term debt                                    2,107.1      2,181.8
    Other liabilities and minority interests          1,313.4        983.2
    Shareholders' equity                              1,085.8      1,342.5
    --------------------------------------------     --------     --------
      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity     $6,368.7     $6,020.6
    --------------------------------------------     --------     --------

    Unaudited Notes to Condensed Financials (December 2008)

    1. Business Segment Information

    Due to first quarter 2008 management reporting changes, Ball's China
    operations are included in the metal beverage packaging, Americas and
    Asia, segment. The results for the 2007 periods have been retrospectively
    adjusted to conform to the current year presentation.

                                         Three months
                                             ended             Year ended
                                          December 31,        December 31,
                                          ------------        ------------
    ($ in millions)                       2008      2007      2008      2007
                                          ----      ----      ----      ----
      Metal beverage packaging,
       Americas & Asia                   $684.7    $728.1  $2,989.5  $3,098.1
      Legal settlement (Note 2)               -         -         -     (85.6)
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
           Total metal beverage
            packaging, Americas &
            Asia                          684.7     728.1   2,989.5   3,012.5
      Metal beverage packaging,
       Europe                             380.8     393.9   1,868.7   1,653.6
      Metal food & household
       packaging, Americas                309.4     271.1   1,221.4   1,183.4
      Plastic packaging, Americas         161.4     172.1     735.4     752.4
      Aerospace & technologies            196.5     191.0     746.5     787.8
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
                Consolidated net
                 sales                 $1,732.8  $1,756.2  $7,561.5  $7,389.7
                                       ========  ========  ========  ========

    Earnings before
     interest and taxes-
      Metal beverage packaging,
       Americas & Asia                    $55.7     $64.2    $284.1    $326.4
      Business consolidation and
       other costs (Note 2)               (36.6)        -     (40.6)    (85.6)
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
        Total metal beverage
         packaging, Americas & Asia        19.1      64.2     243.5     240.8
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
      Metal beverage packaging,
       Europe                              29.0      31.2     230.9     228.9
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
      Metal food & household
       packaging, Americas                 23.2      10.8      68.1      36.2
      Business consolidation costs
       (Note 2)                             6.1     (44.2)      1.6     (44.2)
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
        Total metal food & household
         packaging, Americas               29.3     (33.4)     69.7      (8.0)
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
      Plastic packaging, Americas             -       9.2      15.8      26.3
      Business consolidation costs
       (Note 2)                               -      (0.4)     (8.3)     (0.4)
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
        Total plastic packaging,
         Americas                             -       8.8       7.5      25.9
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
      Aerospace & technologies             20.2      11.1      76.2      64.6
      Gain on sale of subsidiary
       (Note 2)                               -         -       7.1         -
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
        Total aerospace &
         technologies                      20.2      11.1      83.3      64.6
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----

           Segment earnings before
            interest and taxes             97.6      81.9     634.9     552.2
      Undistributed corporate
       costs                              (12.9)     (4.6)    (39.6)    (38.3)
      Business consolidation and
       other costs (Note 2)                (1.0)        -      (4.8)        -
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
        Total undistributed
         corporate costs                  (13.9)     (4.6)    (44.4)    (38.3)
                                          -----     -----     -----     -----
            Earnings before interest
             and taxes                    $83.7     $77.3    $590.5    $513.9
                                          =====     =====    ======    ======

    Unaudited Notes to Condensed Financials (December 2008)

    2. Business Consolidation Activities and Other Significant Nonoperating


    On October 30, 2008, the company announced the closure of two North
    American metal beverage can plants. A $41.7 million ($25.8 million after
    tax) business consolidation charge was recorded in the fourth quarter,
    primarily for employee severance costs, accelerated depreciation and the
    write down of assets to net realizable value. A gain of $10.2 million
    ($6.2 million after tax) was also recorded to reflect the recovery of business consolidation costs previously expensed. An additional $3 million
    after-tax charge is expected to be recorded in the first quarter of 2009
    related to these plant closings. Cost reductions associated with these
    plant closings could be up to $30 million in 2009 and, inclusive of tax
    benefits, be $7 million cash positive upon final disposition of the

    In prior quarters, $20.6 million ($15.3 million after tax) was recorded
    for business consolidation activities primarily for the closure of two
    manufacturing facilities, a metal beverage packaging plant in Kent, Wash.,
    and a plastic packaging plant in Brampton, Ontario. Also Ball Aerospace
    completed the sale of a subsidiary for $10.5 million that resulted in a
    pretax gain of $7.1 million ($4.4 million after tax).


    A business consolidation charge of $44.6 million ($27 million after tax)
    was recorded in the fourth quarter, primarily related to the announced
    closure of two food and household products packaging facilities. The
    closure of the company's facilities in Tallapoosa, Ga., and Commerce,
    Calif., resulted in a net reduction in manufacturing capacity of 10
    production lines, including the relocation of two high-speed aerosol lines
    into existing Ball facilities.

    In a prior quarter, the company settled a dispute with a U.S. customer in
    mediation for various claims for $85.6 million ($51.8 million after tax).
    The customer received a one-time payment of approximately $70 million in
    January 2008 with the remainder of the settlement to be recovered over the
    life of the supply contract with that customer through 2015.

    A summary of the effects of the above transactions on after-tax
     earnings follows:

                                                Three months
                                                    ended       Year ended
                                                December 31,    December 31,
                                                ------------   ------------
      ($ in millions, except per share
       amounts)                                  2008  2007     2008    2007
                                                 ----  ----     ----    ----

      Net earnings as reported                  $33.8 $33.3   $319.5  $281.3
      Business consolidation and other
       costs, net of tax                         19.6  27.0     34.9    27.0
      Gain on sale of subsidiary, net of tax        -     -     (4.4)      -
      Legal settlement, net of tax                  -     -        -    51.8
                                                 ----  ----     ----    ----
        Net earnings before above
         transactions                           $53.4 $60.3   $350.0  $360.1
                                                ===== =====   ======  ======
        Per diluted share before above
         transactions                           $0.56 $0.60    $3.61   $3.50
                                                ===== =====    =====   =====

    Ball's management segregates the above items to evaluate the performance
    of the company's operations. The information is presented on a non-U.S.
    GAAP basis and should be considered in connection with the unaudited
    statements of consolidated earnings. Non-U.S. GAAP measures should not be
    considered in isolation.

    Unaudited Notes to Condensed Financials (December 2008)

    3. Cash Collateral Deposits

    In the fourth quarter of 2008, $105.5 million of net interest bearing cash
    collateral deposits were made on aluminum derivative hedging contracts. As
    these derivative hedging contracts are matched to customer sales
    contracts, they have little or no economic impact on our earnings but
    reduce aluminum price volatility for our customers. Terms of these
    derivative contracts may require Ball to post collateral in certain
    circumstances when the negative mark-to-market value of these contracts
    exceeds specified levels. Additionally, Ball has similar collateral
    posting arrangements with certain customers and financial counterparties
    on these hedging contracts. At December 31, 2008, Ball had $229.5 million
    of cash posted as collateral and had received $124 million of cash from
    customers for a net amount of $105.5 million.  Assuming aluminum prices
    remain unchanged, we would expect to recover all of these cash deposits in

SOURCE Ball Corporation